Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa

Let us keep close together, not wide apart

Stronger whānau,

stronger communities.

Manawa Ora Trust

Bringing hope to Hawke's Bay whānau

Reaching the vulnerable in our community, Manawa Ora Trust links support to those in need. Through practical help, emotional support, advocacy and education, we bring strength to Hawke’s Bay families and individuals.

Manawa Ora Trust - Hawkes Bay Whanau

We are a community trust with a wraparound approach. Connecting whānau with a range of support services and providers, we empower families to look after themselves, strengthen relationships, and gain the knowledge and skills to thrive.

Manawa Ora Trust - Hawkes Bay Community Projects
Manawa Ora Trust - Raising Hope

Our experience tells us that simply knowing someone is coming can make all the difference. Someone who will listen, stay for a cuppa and connect the dots from need to support, from questions to answers and from a crisis today to a brighter tomorrow.

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa

Let us keep close together, not wide apart

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